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Terms & Conditions

The SAM Companies, including but not limited to, Surveying And Mapping, LLC, SAM-Construction Services, LLC, SAM-NY Geospatial, Inc. and SAM-Canada, Inc., provide access to digital project-related data or other business-related digital records and data to facilitate the transfer of information with organizations which we interact with in the conduct of our business. This digital data may be delivered by a variety of mechanisms including email, external hard drive or thumb drive, through the Newforma Info Exchange website, the Newforma mobile applications, or through such other media or mechanisms as may be available. The project-related data or business-related data is being provided in electronic form solely for the intended recipient’s convenience. This does not eliminate or reduce the recipient’s responsibility to verify any information being provided for the purpose(s) for which it is intended.  Access to this digital project data may be withdrawn by the SAM Companies at any time for any reason without prior notice.


Access to this data is being provided to you as a recipient subject to certain conditions and agreements which are outlined below:


Project-Related Data

All digital project-related data being made available to project team members is the proprietary and confidential information of SAM Companies, or, in the case of project-related work and deliverables paid for by clients, its clients. The use of digital project-related data is restricted to the original project for which it was prepared and is to be used only as an aid to the successful completion of that project. By providing access to digital data, the SAM Companies assume no additional liability in excess of that which it has agreed to in a written agreement between our Company and the client.  Other uses of such digital data by the client or project team members not contemplated by the project contracts between the client or other project team members and our Company are undertaken at the client’s or project team member’s sole risk and liability.

Business-Related Data


All digital business-related data being made available is the proprietary and confidential information of SAM Companies. This information is to be treated as confidential and is not to be disclosed to others without the express written consent of our Company. The use of digital business-related data is restricted to the original purpose for which it was to be prepared and delivered and is to be used solely for that purpose.  Other uses or disclosure of business-related data not contemplated by the SAM Companies and the recipient are expressly prohibited and recipient shall be liable for any such disclosure or prohibited uses.


If you have any technical difficulties using this service or accessing the files delivered, please contact the SAM Companies’ Help Desk at either helpdesk@sam.biz or 512-685-3501.


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